Fronted by the talented audio producer Talia Augustidis, this anthology has just returned for its second series. The documentary explores the relationship between fact and fiction and the blurriness in between, and taps into situations you may have experienced, but not actively thought that much about at the time.
The first of the new episodes looks at how, whilst experiencing a redundancy at work, Talia and her colleagues tried a Tarot reading. It is a story all about trying to let go and trying to find safety in a future that feels uneasy.: “It didn't give me all the answers, but it forced me to ask myself some good questions.”
And in another intimate and well crafted episode, she looks at why she often fell into using her Dad as a punchline in her standup material, by interviewing her Dad (which you hear in the episode). The knack of the series is how it manages to tap into the little things that end up being about the big things.
She also says things that end up sticking with you. One such example? “It's hard to celebrate or mourn the end of anything when you're on your own.”