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More timely than ever, this new year-long investigative series by Dan Jones (not his real name) looks at how the far right are not just in the places you would usually expect, such as football hooliganism

Undercover, he infiltrates a far right summer camp called Patriotic Alternative (PA), who go on hikes located in the heart of the Welsh countryside. Here, members openly share hate and misinformation, secretly recorded by Jones. 

It also looks at the sheer risks taken into reporting such stories and how hard it is not to react when you hear hate from others: “People always want to know what it's like to be undercover. They want to know how I stop myself from reacting. But the truth is, you just have to let it wash over you. I'm concentrating on my kit, and I'm making sure I fit in. That's really hard when you have to listen to some of the stuff they're coming out with.”

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