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Podcast Reviews

Never Told

10:31 AM GMT+1 on July 9, 2023

    Never Told - A neat little anthology, where eight acclaimed authors, filmmakers and well-known names perform their own stories and personal essays. The people involved include the novelist and writer Zing Tsjeng, actor and musician Thaddea Graham, writer and comedian Joanne Lau, filmmaker Deborah Haywood, and the actor and writer Esther Smith. 
    I got stuck into a story by the actor Harry Trevaldwyn, who you might recognise from the Call My Agent remake Ten Percent or from TikTok, a witty story all about an unexpected hook-up in Paris. It starts with the line: “I asked to leave my bag in the lobby, so I could have some proper, quality one-to-one time with my phone.”

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