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What Are You Fave Podcasts of the Year?

Get involved with our end of year suggestions

8:40 AM GMT on November 19, 2023

    With 2024 only around the corner (god I know where has this year gone?) we’re asking you to tell us your favourite podcast of this year. Your recommendations will make one of two special editions of the Great British Podcasts newsletter that will go out between Christmas and New Year.

    Has a new daily podcast become an essential part of your routine? Did a breakthrough series enrich your world on an important subject? Have you been gripped by new immersive fiction, or have your perspective changed by an interesting guest? Now is the time to tell us. We’re particularly keen to hear about shows you think are underrated and deserve more recognition, because it is a big podcasting world out there.

    All you need to do is head to Submit a Show and put in your suggestion. Under the question “Why do you like it?” - make sure you write PICK 2023.

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