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If brat summer is sitting on your couch, eating doritos and painting your nails while listening to unhinged party stories of your favourite comedians… then Late to the Party is our brat summer pick. 

The new Grace Campbell show follows Grace’s first podcast, 28 Dates Later, with completely new energy. Her previous podcast really focused on her as the subject, but this one is a straight-to-the-point interview format where Grace is a vulnerable and hilarious host who is able to coax laugh-out-loud funny party stories from her guests, instead. 

Grace leans into the casual vibe of the podcast with its video offering too (and if you know us, you know we love a good video production). The studio set up is simply Grace and a guest on a massive red couch, holding two mics. It gives it a really down-to-earth quality that we love. Rightfully, she does refer to herself as Drew Barrymore on multiple occasions as the beginning of the visual podcast does lean that way in its tone. Throughout the episodes though, Grace proves to be a lot more raw – something she doesn’t shy away from in her comedy, either. 

The two guests so far have been Katherine Ryan (comedian and host of ‘Telling Everybody Everything’) and Joanne McNally (also comedian, and host of ‘My Therapist Ghosted Me’ pod), with a promise of names like Jameela Jamil still to come. The line up is celebrating women in comedy and we love that.

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