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Lobster Brain - This podcast recommendation might have an odd title, but trust me on this it makes sense. “Lobsters fight to see who becomes top lobster,” says host Lisa Morton. “If they win, their brains change to embrace their new status. And if they lose their brains change too, to cope with that change in hierarchy.”

In each episode of Lobster Brain, Morton and Danny Donachie speak to someone who they deem to have reached ‘top lobster status’ aka. someone who has changed and developed themselves to achieve great things. Guests so far include Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, who hardly needs an introduction and The Times Sports Writer Henry Winter.

Winter talks about a skill that people at the top of their game appear to have, is an ability to remain cool under pressure: “I find that people who get to the top have a certain grace about them. There’s a certain calmness and maturity and humility. There’s definitely that with [Gareth] Southgate.”


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